Breaking Up Big Tech? DOJ Eyes Google Dismantling After Landmark Antitrust Ruling

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is considering breaking up Alphabet Inc.’s Google after a pivotal court ruling declared the company guilty of monopolizing the online search market. This potential action could mark Washington’s first major corporate dismantling for illegal monopolization since the failed bid to break up Microsoft in the early 2000s.

Google’s Future at Risk
Less severe options, including forcing Google to share data with competitors and limiting its influence over artificial intelligence products, are also under discussion. Alphabet’s stock dropped 3.8% following the court’s decision, the steepest decline since early August.

Possible Breakup Targets
If the DOJ proceeds with a breakup, the Android operating system and Google Chrome browser are likely candidates for divestment. A sale of Google’s AdWords platform, responsible for text ad sales, is also being discussed.

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