Social Media for your business

Over the past decade, the adoption of social media as a tool for awareness, sales, and customer relationship management has shifted from big brands to family-run stores on Main Street.

While some people create an account just to connect with friends, social media is becoming more connected to the business. Popular social media platforms have integrated a wide range of options for consumers to interact with brands and companies, even offering the ability to make purchases of goods or services directly within the app.

For example, Facebook first implemented a “buy” call to action button in ads and on-page posts back in 2014. The introduction of this feature gives users the ability to complete a product purchase without interrupting their scrolling. Many other media outlets have followed suit, and other marketplaces like Instagram Shopping are more popular than ever. Listing products in a dedicated Store tab gives you access to your items to a wide audience that was previously unavailable if you were a regular place where consumer movement was required to make a purchase.

Setting the focus of your social selling strategy toward advertising your products or services on social with no doubt will help you to get new customers. Consider social selling as part of your overall sales strategy.

Social media has created a level playing field for brands and consumers, opening up a never-before-seen type of relationship between them. Social platforms are the storefronts of the modern era, serving as a link between shoppers and your products.
