Telegram, boasting over 700 million users, has rolled out a game-changing feature called “Giveaways,” aimed at revolutionizing transparent and authentic online giveaways within its channels. This move, spearheaded by channel owners, is poised to not only attract new subscribers but also reward existing ones fairly and transparently. Prizes, including coveted Telegram Premium subscriptions, are up for grabs, marking a shift in the dynamics of online giveaways.
The unveiling of “Giveaways” had an unexpected ripple effect on the Toncoin (TON) exchange rate, propelling it to its highest valuation in nearly a year—soaring over $9 billion and securing a spot among the top ten major cryptocurrencies. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s proactive role, giving away TON worth $200,000 to 10,000 users, further fueled a remarkable 19.5% surge, reaching a recent high of $2.71. Durov’s strategic move underscores his commitment to promoting TON within the Telegram ecosystem.
Toncoin’s trajectory is further propelled by Telegram’s substantial user base and robust sponsorship. Beyond giveaways, new partnerships and regulatory approvals, including the recent green light from the Dubai Financial Services Authority for TON and XRP usage, contribute to the positive sentiment around TON. This regulatory approval marks a significant stride in TON’s developmental journey.
On October 31, TON achieved a groundbreaking milestone, with its blockchain operating at an astonishing 104,715 transactions per second. This achievement establishes TON as the fastest and most scalable blockchain globally. TON’s unique architecture positions it as a technical superior, capable of handling increasing transactions with ease.
In summary, Telegram’s ‘Giveaways’ feature has been a catalyst for Toncoin’s rapid ascent. Coupled with regulatory approvals and unparalleled speed, TON stands poised for sustained growth and innovation, positioning itself as a formidable player in the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies.